What are Tongue Tie and Lip Tie?
When the mucous membrane (frenulum) that connects the tongue to the roof of the mouth is too tight it limits the motion of the tongue – causing a tongue tie.
On the other hand, if the mucous membrane connecting the upper lip to gum tissue is too tight it doesn’t allow the lips to move freely – causing a lip tie.
Tongue Tie Symptoms in Infants
Parents can look for signs of tongue-tie as soon as their children are born. If your infant exhibits any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent future problems from occurring.
- Difficulty latching during breastfeeding
- Acting fussy during feeding
- Feeds for long periods with only short periods of rest in between
- Acts hungry regularly
- Not gaining weight
- Clicking sounds when feeding
- Chews instead of sucks
- Tongue can’t move from side to side, to the roof of the mouth, or out past the gums
Tongue Tie Symptoms in Older Children & Adults
Tongue and lip tie symptoms don’t just happen during infancy and go away, the symptoms change as the person ages. If you notice any of these symptoms in your older child or yourself, make sure to seek care as soon as possible.
- Tongue looks notched or makes a heart shape when stuck out
- Tongue can’t extend past the lower front teeth, side to side, or the roof of the mouth
- Speech problems like speaking with a lisp
- Tongue makes eating, speaking difficult
- Sleep apnea
- Crowded or gapped teeth
- Overbite
- Poor oral health
Frenectomy Procedure
A frenectomy is a procedure where a doctor uses either a Fotona Lightwalker laser, or a non-cutting laser to release tight, restrictive intraoral tissues (tongue tie or lip tie).
When using the C02 laser, the tissues are gently detached by severing very thin layers, giving the tissues a chance to stretch, yet heal well. When using a non-cutting laser (photobiostimulation) the heat that is felt, coupled with instructed stretching, aids the fibrous tissue in distending and releasing the intraoral restrictions.
Usually recommended with a frenectomy procedure is oral myology care, or at minimum, intraoral instructions administered by Dr. Pribyl, to ensure that all frenectomy sites are properly stretched to achieve the maximum benefit from your procedure.
How Simple Frenectomy Procedures Can Benefit Your Entire Health
One of the main goals of a frenectomy is to allow for more positive growth of one’s upper and/or lower jaw. This can be achieved even with adults. If one’s tongue cannot assume its proper posture, which is the entire tongue to the roof of the mouth, an underdeveloped maxilla (upper jaw) and/or retruded mandibular posture (lower jaw) can result. Many patients who present with these anatomical challenges have different health conditions such as temporomandibular dysfunction, sleep apnea, snoring, forward head posture, chronic head, and neck pain, and much more.
Patients can experience relief of cervical tension and relief of overall head tension after a frenectomy intervention, particularly a lingual frenectomy. Patients have also reported “never sleeping so well” in their lives after a frenectomy procedure.
Getting you or your child a simple and fast frenectomy procedure in our office can make a huge difference in your health. It will help resolve many of the issues it’s caused to help you feel like a brand new person.
If you’re ready to improve your health with a frenectomy, contact Dr. Larry Pribyl to schedule a consultation to find out if a frenectomy is right for you or your child. Please call (816) 795-1000 to schedule an appointment today.